Kondor Redőny
1147 Budapest,
Egressy út 23-25.

György Kondor - owner
Mobile: 06 20 938-8366
Phone: 06-1 363-0017
Fax: 06- 363-2245
E-mail: info@kondoroll.com

Kérjen ajánlatot azonnal
Redőny árak faredőnyre
Redőny árak vasredőnyre
Redőny árak aluredőnyre
Redőny árak műanyag redőnyre
Redőny árak sávredőnyre
A redőny árak meghatározása sok összetevőtől függ. Amikor felkeresi munkatársunkat, minél pontosabban fogja elkérni elképzeléseinek pontos részleteit. A redőny árak mértékéhez összeállítottunk egy listát, hogy mik azok az összetevők, amik befolyásolják a végső munkadíjat:
A redőny árak meghatározásának első kritériuma a mozgatása: ez lehet kézi, vagy motoros kivitelezésű.
A redőny árak meghatározásának első kritériuma a mérete: itt a határ a csillagos ég.
A redőny árak meghatározásának első kritériuma a redőny típusa: ennek meghatározásához javasolt a szakembert is megkérdezni, hiszen számtalan lehetőség áll rendelkezésre. Az alumínium redőnyök esetében lehet belső tokos vagy külső tokos, illetve félkör tokos. De kérhető vakolható tokos kivitelezéssel is. felszerelhető a rendszer eleve szúnyoghálós kivitelben is. A műanyag redőny esetében a redőny árak a tokok szempontjából hasonlóan alakulnak, mint az alumínium redőny esetében. De itt is lehet eltérés a hagyományos és például az alumínium záróléccel kínált termékeknél.
A redőny árak meghatározásának első kritériuma a megrendelt redőnyök száma is. Nagyban változhatnak az árak egy családi ház és egy társasház, vagy irodaház esetében.
A Kondor Redőny minden esetben kész árajánlatot ad megrendelőinek. Nálunk nincsenek rejtett költségek, így az ár, amit az ajánlatban lát, nem fog kiegészülni semmivel. Szakembereink jól felmérik a munka jellegét, és idejét, az alapanyagokat és a szükségleteket.


Extract from a newspaper article, on the basis of Csaba Márkus.

Shutterers’ dynasty. Our history begins in the years following the Compromise of 1867, in a period when Hungary became a model of scientific research and industrial, economic development in the world in a couple of decades. That time several new industrial sectors came into being, among them the first significant domestic “flagship” of mechanic security protection, the Locksmith's Goods and Roller Shutter Factory of Rezső Kondor.

Since the year of foundation in 1896, 112 years have passed, and the company operates also today under the name of Roller Shutter Kondor, in particular under the leadership and with the participation of the descendents of the founder. György Kondor in his fifty second year of life represents the fifth generation of the manufacturers. From György Kondor I have been informed about the founder, the manufacture of roller shutters in Hungary as follows: „Rezső Kondor, born in 1871, having served his apprenticeship in Germany in the late 1800s, acquired his master’s certificate there, and in the possession of that he began to manufacture roller shutters upon the increasing demand for roller shutters made abroad. Prior however to starting shutter production in 1896, he travelled to Heidelberg, and got profoundly acquainted with the technology of roller-shutter production. First they manufactured wooden shutters of the Esslingen type, gratings, sun shades, than also jalousie, which may be considered the predecessor of Venetian blind, and steel shutters were included in the product list."

They survived World War I and II, and the economic crises before and after them.  In 1927 shutter manufacturer, Rezső Kondor was awarded the great gold medal of the National Association of Hungarian Hardware Merchants and Iron Craftsmen. The honorary diploma attesting that event is hanging on the wall of the office separated from the production hall on the Egressy street even today accompanied with a sixty years' old photograph framed. The factory seems indestructible. At least for some time ...

„I know it from my father that after the nationalisation in 1950 the factory operating on the Ilosvai square, was shut down, the machines were destroyed or delivered off in the better case...”, tells György Kondor, then mentions that they may “thank” the rebirth of the factory after all the Soviet tanks suppressing the revolution of 1956. With their cannons and heavy machine-guns the tanks namely destroyed the majority of shutters in the most city parts of Budapest,
„When the removal of ruins and the reconstruction of buildings began in autumn 1956, somebody among the civil servants of the capital remembered the Roller Shutter Factory Kondor. They found the grandson named János of the founder, Rezső Kondor, i.e. my father, and allowed him to start to repair and manufacture roller shutters in a cellar as an artisan ... "
We might illustrate the history of the factory with a lot of photos made that time but we offer only two for the lack of place. In one of them made some time in the early 1900s the workers are shown in the company of the company owner. In the second photo the honorary diploma issued in 1927, already mentioned, may be seen.

The present leader of the company, György Kondor began to profit by his knowledge acquired at the Vehicle Manufacturing Production Engineer Faculty of the College of Transport and Technical Sciences in the production of roller shutters. The burdens of company leadership are carried for the time being by György, who struggles, worthy of his predecessors, for the survival of the 112 years old company. This large production hall we bought more than ten years ago ... , he says leading us along the machines essential in roller shutter production. They moved a significant part of production to Magyarkanizsa in Vojvodina (Serbia), where production started in 2005.

“... The interest in our products has increased in Austria. Here we will soon open an order and trade office. I trust that the trade-name of Kondor will not be forgotten!”

We trust that it will happen so!

Csaba Márkus

These days...

Our company merges tradition and up-to-date technique. Long-term and up-to-date thinking, characteristic of us, and the company history including several generations are a guarantee of high-quality work. We undertake the production, mounting, installation, and repair, as well as maintenance of the products included in our website. In future we wish to keep our prices competitive, and to have more and more satisfied customers.